Application for the auditions is now closed.
Thank you for applying.
- 一次選考の結果通知について
- 通過の方にのみ、2022年6月14日(火)までにメールにてご連絡いたします。ドメイン(@ve.jvcmusic.co.jp)からのメールを受信できるよう設定をお願いします。
- 二次選考について
- 2022年7月上旬から中旬頃を予定しています。(都内某所にて)
- 三次選考(最終選考)について
- 2022年8月上旬から中旬頃を予定しています。(都内某所にて)
- 応募に関しての注意事項
- Result Notification on the 1st screening
- We will contact by email only to those who pass the 1st screening by June 14th (Tue), 2022. Please be sure to set your email account to approve emails from (@ve.jvcmusic.co.jp) domains. We will not contact those who do not pass.
- 2nd Screening
- We are planning to hold it around the beginning to the middle of July, 2022. It will be held in Tokyo
- 3rd Screening
- We are planning to hold it around the beginning to the middle of August, 2022. It will be held in Tokyo.
*Please click here for any questions or to contact regarding the auditions. We will not accept any inquiries regarding the results of the audition.
Please be sure to have the approval if you are signed to any productions or labels.
Please have parent approvals for those under the age of 18
Please know that there is a chance we may film the audition. The videos/photos/audio taken during the audition and the 1st screening application video may be used by LOVEBITES or Victor Entertainment for broadcasting, distribution, screening, duplication, distribution, commercialization, public relations, etc. worldwide. We will not pay in any way for this use. You will not execute any rights on copyright, neighboring rights, moral rights of authors, moral rights of performers, portrait rights, publicity rights, etc.
The application for the audition will only be available from this website.
Any expenses related to the audition are borne by the applicant.
We cannot answer any questions regarding the status and results of the audition.
We do not accept applications for those who have any experience of violating the law or have the experience of being legally punished in any country.
All personal information will only be used for this audition. Please click the link below for more information regarding the use of personal information.
You will be considered to agree on the use of personal information at the time you apply.
You are allowed to upload the video you turn in for the audition on your social media accounts (YouTube、Twitter、Facebook、Instagram、TikTok、nikoniko、Weibo、bilibili). It would be great if you can put the hashtag #LOVEBITES_BassistAuditions when posting.
Specifications such as schedules, place, methods of the audition may change due to situations regarding to COVID-19, warfare, or any other social conditions.
Once you pass all the screening process in the audition, we will hold a meeting with the applicant, LOVEBITES, and Victor Entertainment to decide on the specification of the activity details, period of contract, and other necessary specifications regarding the contract. At the point when all parties of the meeting agree, we will officially announce the new member. If all parties cannot agree on the contract specifications, we may cancel our offer.
- 情報の利用目的
- ご記入頂いた個人情報は、審査及びLOVEBITESの配信動画や映像作品等の制作を行う目的以外で利用する事は一切ございません。
- 情報の保管
- 当社の個人情報保護方針に則して適切に管理し、当社が必要と判断する期間(審査終了まで)保管し、その後全て廃棄致します。
- 情報の提供・開示
- 法令に基づいて司法、行政、又はこれに類する機関から情報開示の要請を受けた場合を除き、お客様の同意無く個人情報を第三者に提供、又は開示する事はございません。
- お問合せ窓口
- https://www.jvcmusic.co.jp/cs/form03.html
- Purpose of the use of information
- All personal information will only be used for the audition.
- Storage of information
- We will store all personal information in line with the corporate privacy policy, and will discard all information at the end of the audition period.
- Disclosure of information
- We will not provide or disclose any personal information to a third party without the consent of the applicant, except when we receive a request for information disclosure from the judiciary, government, or similar organizations based on laws and regulations.
- Contact regarding the handling of personal information
- https://www.jvcmusic.co.jp/cs/form03.html